Welcome to Frogmented Feelings: Where Emotions Become Art

At Frogmented Feelings, we invite you to embark on a journey through the intricate tapestry of human emotions, beautifully woven into art that speaks to the heart. Our mission is to transform feelings into tangible expressions, fostering empathy, understanding, and dialogue.

Discover Our World of Frogmented Frogs:

Step into a realm where frogs become more than just amphibians; they become messengers of emotions, resilience, and connection. Explore our signature collection of Frogmented Frogs, each a unique masterpiece designed to convey the depth of human experience.

Experience the Magic of Duality:

Our frogs are no ordinary sculptures. They are purposefully crafted to embody a duality of emotions. With one side radiating happiness and the other revealing sadness, they remind us that life is a journey of highs and lows, and it's okay to embrace all facets of our feelings.

Hidden Treasures in "Lost Frogs":

Join our artistic adventure with "Lost Frogs." These enchanting sculptures are scattered across different states, waiting to be discovered by kindred spirits like you. As you embark on your own "Lost Frog" hunt, you'll not only find art but also moments of connection and joy.

Join Our Community:

Frogmented Feelings is more than just art; it's a movement. Join our growing community of individuals who believe in the power of art to spread awareness and compassion. Connect with us on social media, share your experiences, and be a part of this journey.

Support Our Mission:

By owning a Frogmented Frog, you not only acquire a unique work of art but also contribute to our mission of raising awareness about mental health and invisible disabilities. Explore our shop and find the perfect frog that resonates with your emotions.

Welcome to Frogmented Feelings, where we celebrate the beauty of human complexity, where emotions find their voice in art, and where you become a part of a compassionate community. Thank you for joining us on this remarkable journey.

Transform emotions into art, and let's create a world filled with understanding, one frog at a time.

Empowering Emotions Through Art

At Frogmented Feelings, we believe that art has the power to convey emotions and raise awareness in ways that words sometimes cannot. Our unique business is dedicated to creating perfectly imperfect and purposefully broken-looking frogs that symbolize strength, resilience, and the depth of human emotions. Through our distinctive art pieces, we strive to spread awareness about mental health and various forms of disability, including invisible disabilities.

Emotional Expression

True artistry lies in expressing emotions. One side of the frog is carefully shaped to reflect happiness, with a joyful smile and bright, gleaming eyes. On the other side, sadness is depicted with a gentle frown and eyes that carry the weight of sorrow. To maintain the illusion of neutrality when viewed from the front, the artist skillfully blends the happy and sad sides together. The transition between emotions is subtle, making it appear as if the frog is in a perpetual state of contemplation.