Broken Frogs

The Broken Metaphor:

  1. Symbol of Vulnerability: The broken or fragmented look of the frogs symbolizes vulnerability. It represents the moments in life when people feel emotionally or mentally fractured, as if their inner selves are not whole.

  2. Hidden Struggles: Just as the frogs may appear intact from the front, people often mask their inner struggles, putting on a neutral facade to conceal their physical or emotional pain and mental health challenges. The frogs' broken appearance highlights the idea that not all wounds are visible.

  3. Strength Amidst Fragility: Despite their broken appearance, the Frogmented Frogs are intentionally crafted to be resilient and sturdy. This mirrors the inner strength that individuals possess, even when dealing with difficult emotions or invisible disabilities. It's a reminder that one can be strong despite feeling "broken."

  4. Complex Emotions: The frogs' duality - happy on one side and sad on the other - reflects the complexity of human emotions. It conveys the idea that happiness and sadness can coexist within a person, and that it's natural to experience a range of emotions.